​Los Angeles / Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank Tutoring + Worldwide with virtual sessions
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Private Online Tutoring
We’ve experienced the remarkable advantages of online tutoring firsthand. Our online tutors engage students effectively, ensuring they achieve the best outcomes. The flexibility of online tutoring also allows for the development of long-term relationships between tutors and students, often lasting for years.
Online Tutoring provides the same high-quality education you expect from Kate's Tutoring from anywhere in the world.
Why Online Tutoring
We offer, and families choose, virtual tutoring because it offers:
Flexibility -- both in time and in location
Support while traveling or on vacation
A wider pool of tutors who are carefully vetted
Scheduling ease -- we can easily add sessions or meet multiple times per week
We can stay consistent through any school closures
Reliability that offers consistency as students navigate Covid-related school closures
Best practices for collaborative virtual learning
We work via Skype, Zoom, or Google Meet
Easy Tech
Our tutors use familiar platforms to connect to students quickly and easily. Whiteboards and tablets make solving problems visually a breeze.
Live personal support
Tutors meet with students one on one, just like they would do in person.
Immediate feedback
We can instantly see grades if provided access and come up with even more personalized support for our students.